Last week of School!
We made it! There were lots of activities scheduled for the last week of school, and we really enjoyed our time together. First, the students acted out parts of the Bible story where Lazarus is raised from the dead. In addition, I had a great birthday celebration on the 4th! I am so thankful for all of the gifts and cards I received; the kids made my day! We even had a countdown to the exact time I was born (9:39 AM) :) On Wednesday, we had a "Word Game" day where students played Boggle, Madlibs, Upwards, and Scrabble with a certain group. Students were able to rotate around and try out each of the games. We also finished up our 3D figures math unit by measuring different figures and finding the surface area, volume, and other attributes of the solids. Students worked in partners for this activity. Students helped out Mr. Cox by pulling staples from New Testament booklets that are going to the jail ministry through Forgotte...